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“WASHINGTON (WUSA9) – Cluster headaches are one of the most painful and highly debilitating types of headaches. They strike quickly and usually without warning.

With no known cause, finding sustained relief from the excruciating pain of a cluster headache has been difficult. However, a new medical device being tested by a local doctor is showing promise.”  – www.wusa9.com


This video highlights the noted spike in headache frequency and intensity as adolescents and teenagers return back to school. Most people associate this spike with added school stressors, but there are numerous other factors that maybe overlooked. These include sleep deprivation from going to bed later to complete tasks, as well as awakening earlier to arrive at school in a timely fashion. Another factor is skipping of meals in AM, poor hydration thru the school day, as well as carrying a very heavy back-back with improper biomechanics. All elements need to be evaluated in order to arrive at the likely cause of these headache spikes.


This video is aimed at the very large number of patients who unfortunately suffer from weather triggered disabling headaches. Our science is not at the stage of reliably predicting these events, nor is it at the stage of treating them in total . There are numerous variables such as wind speed, direction, humidity, temperature, as well as the barometric pressure that influence the onset of a variety of headache subtypes in the affected population. Research has suggested a possible effect on the cerebrospinal fluid as the mechanism by which weather changes can affect the brain’s pain threshold.

September issue of Viva Tysons magazine (Page 69)

 September issue of Viva Tysons magazine

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